Apple Mac OSX Freeware and Open Source List
Most of my Mac peeps have no idea that there are tons of great FREE software out there for their Mac. Here’s my list. (P9F6ECU7M84Z)
Apple Mac OSX Freeware and Open Source List Read More »
Most of my Mac peeps have no idea that there are tons of great FREE software out there for their Mac. Here’s my list. (P9F6ECU7M84Z)
Apple Mac OSX Freeware and Open Source List Read More »
One of my favorite features of Windows 7 is the ability to snap windows side by side or make them full screen just by dragging the windows around. If only I could get it working on OSX! But you can! There is a great app that the guys over at jkOnTheRun brought to my attention.
So I happen to get questions about my own setup from time to time. So I figured why not put together a list of my technology I use on a daily basis.
Exerpt; Journal of Gerard Covings III November 15th – My thoughts are consumed with my son Derrick and his illness. I have lived in Arkham for all of my 62 years, but it is not the town’s dark mysteries that preoccupy me, but rather the mystery of my son’s condition. For the past ten years,
Journal of Gerard Covings III Read More »