If you have any thoughts or ideas, don’t forget to post a comment in the reply area at the bottom.
Choose your approaches.
Approaches are descriptions of how you accomplish tasks. Everyone has the same six approaches:
Dexterity – Blaster, Brawling, Running, Dodge, Etc.
Knowledge – Alien Races, Planetary Systems, History, Etc.
Mechanical – Piloting, Navigation, Sensors, Etc.
Perception – Con, Bargain, Command, Persuade, Etc.
Strength – Fighting, Climbing, Stamina, Etc.
Technical – Programming, Droid Repair, Etc.
Each approach is rated with a bonus. Choose one at Good (+3), two at Fair (+2), two at Average (+1), and one at Mediocre (+0).
Force Points
(aka Fate Points) – use to activate aspects +2 to a roll or reroll dice. Each player begins each session with 3 Force Points.
Aspect Types:
Aspect, High Concept: Race + Job + Special Ability
High Concept Examples:
- Human Smuggler Captain of the YT-1300 “Starshot”
- Backwater Arrogant Noble with Deep Pockets
- Rodian Bounty Hunter working for the Hutts
- Wookiee Brash Co-Pilot of the YT-1300 “Starshot”
- Twi’lek Failed Jedi Tempted by the Darkside
- Clone Gambler who has Connections in the Imperium
- Gungan Martial Artist Outcast by the Gungan Rep Council
- Dug Podracer who’ll do ANYTHING to win
- Zabrak Minor Jedi working for a Mysterious Master
Aspect, Trouble: Huts? Bounty Hunters? Wanted?
- Exiled to Tattooine for revealing the agricultural secrets
- Tortured and dismantled a fourth of the droid population
- Imperial experiment burning out the parts of his brain which feel compassion and mercy
- Has faulty wiring in multiple implants
- We’re wanted men. I have the death sentence on twelve systems.
- Having dumped a valuable shipment you now have a bounty on your head.
- Hunted ex-Stormtrooper who rejected brain washing
- Obnoxious know-it-all who rubs everyone the wrong way
- Radical student of a forgotten religion who’s family was killed by the Imperium.
- Orphan on the Outer Rim planet of Lothal
- Blinded by a lightsaber strike from a Sith attack
- Uncompromising hatred towards the Empire
Aspect, Other (choose 3): Special Equipment (armor, weapons, star ships, space ships or speeders), Ties to other characters, Titles or Ranks, Reputations, Obligations or Important past details.
Stunts and the Force:
Players begin with 1 Stunt or Force power. A stunt is a special trait that changes the way an approach works for your character. Generally, stunts give you a bonus (almost always +2) to a certain approach when used with a particular action under specific circumstances.
Force Powers
List includes: lightsaber combat, telekinesis, influence, sixth sense, force jump, remote viewing, or telepathy
Ex: Because I am trained in force jump, I get a +2 when attempting a Strength check involving jumping.
Ex: Because I am trained in force influence, I get a +2 when attempting a Perception check where I am trying to Con or Persuade someone.
Other Stunts:
Ex: Because I always shoot first, once per session I automatically go first in combat.
Force Power Stunts List
Control (Mastery Over One’s Own Body and the Force)
- Control Pain: Because I can suppress physical suffering through the Force, I reduce the effects of injury by one step (Mild → None, Moderate → Mild, etc.) once per session.
- Accelerate Healing: Because I can focus the Force to heal my wounds, I may make a Knowledge roll once per session to remove a physical consequence.
- Enhance Strength: Because I use the Force to augment my body, I gain +2 when using Strength to perform feats of raw power, such as breaking restraints or lifting heavy objects.
- Resist Poison: Because I can cleanse my body through the Force, I gain +2 when using Knowledge to resist or neutralize poisons and diseases.
- Hibernation Trance: Because I can place myself into a deep Force-induced hibernation, I can survive extreme conditions or go unnoticed when unconscious for extended periods.
- Absorb/Dissipate Energy: Because I can channel raw energy through the Force, I may roll Knowledge to absorb damage from blasters, electricity, or heat. If successful, I take no damage.
Sense (Perceiving the Force and the World Around You)
- Danger Sense: Because I can feel disturbances in the Force, I gain +2 when using Perception to detect ambushes, traps, or impending danger.
- Life Sense: Because I can perceive living beings through the Force, I can sense creatures, even in darkness or through walls, if I concentrate for a few moments.
- Sense Force: Because I am attuned to the currents of the Force, I gain +2 when using Perception to detect Force-sensitive beings, objects, or areas.
- Receptive Telepathy: Because I can read the surface thoughts of others, I gain +2 when using Perception to determine if someone is lying or emotionally distressed.
- Postcognition: Because I can see echoes of the past in the Force, I may roll Perception to witness strong past events tied to an object or location.
- Farseeing: Because I can project my mind across great distances, I may use Perception to glimpse people or places I am deeply connected to, regardless of location.
Alter (Manipulating the Physical World Through the Force)
- Telekinesis: Because I can move objects with my mind, I gain +2 when using Knowledge to lift, push, or throw things with the Force.
- Force Push: Because I can direct the Force outward in a blast, I gain +2 when using Knowledge to shove enemies or objects out of my way.
- Force Leap: Because I can enhance my agility with the Force, I gain +2 when using Dexterity to jump great distances or land safely from extreme heights.
- Mind Trick: Because I can influence the weak-minded, I gain +2 when using Perception to convince NPCs of simple falsehoods or divert their attention.
- Projected Fighting: Because I can strike with the Force beyond my physical reach, I may use Strength as if I were physically attacking a target up to two zones away.
- Force Choke (Dark Side Only): Because I can grip a foe’s throat with the Dark Side, I gain +2 when using Strength to suffocate an enemy I can see.
- Lightning (Dark Side Only): Because I wield the Dark Side’s raw fury, I gain +2 when using Strength to unleash searing bolts of Sith lightning.
Additional Universal Force Powers
- Deflect Blasters (Jedi Only): Because I can deflect incoming fire with my lightsaber, I may roll Dexterity instead of Strength to avoid ranged attacks if I have my lightsaber ready.
- Battle Meditation: Because I can use the Force to enhance allies’ focus, once per scene, I may grant a +2 bonus to an ally’s next roll.
- Force Cloak: Because I can bend light and sound with the Force, I gain +2 when using Perception to remain unseen or unheard.
Non-Force Stunt List
Here’s a list of Non-Force User Stunts for Fate Accelerated that fit within the Star Wars theme while keeping them balanced against Force-sensitive characters.
Smugglers, Bounty Hunters, and Rogues
- Quick on the Draw: Because I am faster than my enemies, once per session, I may take my action first, even if I lost initiative.
- Never Tell Me the Odds: Because I thrive in impossible situations, I gain +2 when using Perception to escape from or evade capture.
- Trick Shot: Because I am an expert marksman, I gain +2 when using Dexterity to make difficult blaster shots (such as shooting a weapon out of someone’s hand).
- It’s All in the Wrist: Because I am skilled with thrown weapons, I gain +2 when using Dexterity to hit moving targets with grenades, knives, or improvised projectiles.
- Silver-Tongued Scoundrel: Because I can talk my way out of almost anything, I gain +2 when using Perception to lie, bluff, or mislead someone in conversation.
- Hidden Compartments: Because I always prepare for trouble, once per session, I can declare that I have stashed an item on my person or ship, even if it wasn’t previously stated.
- Jetpack Ace: Because I am a skilled jetpack user, I gain +2 when using Dexterity to maneuver in the air or escape danger using my jetpack.
Soldiers, Commanders, and Mercenaries
- Battle Hardened: Because I have been through countless battles, I gain +2 when using Perception to assess a tactical situation.
- Suppressing Fire: Because I know how to control a battlefield, I gain +2 when using Strength to lay down blaster fire that forces enemies into cover.
- Explosives Expert: Because I am trained in demolitions, I gain +2 when using Technical to set or disable explosives.
- Armor Training: Because I know how to take a hit, I may reduce any physical consequence by one step (Mild → None, Moderate → Mild) once per session.
- Squad Commander: Because I know how to rally my allies, I may give a +2 bonus to one ally’s next roll once per scene.
- Two Blasters, No Problem: Because I am skilled in dual-wielding blasters, I gain +2 when using Dexterity to attack with two weapons at once.
- Hand-to-Hand Specialist: Because I am trained in unarmed combat, I gain +2 when using Strength to grapple, disarm, or incapacitate an opponent.
Mechanics, Pilots, and Engineers
- Ace Pilot: Because I have a natural talent for flying, I gain +2 when using Dexterity to pull off risky maneuvers in a ship or speeder.
- Trusty Toolkit: Because I always have the right tool for the job, I gain +2 when using Technical to repair or modify a vehicle, droid, or piece of equipment.
- Patch Job: Because I know how to keep things running under pressure, once per session, I may fix a mechanical failure instantly, but it will only last temporarily.
- Slice Into Anything: Because I am an expert slicer, I gain +2 when using Technical to bypass security systems or hack into networks.
- Scavenger’s Eye: Because I can spot valuable parts anywhere, I gain +2 when using Perception to find useful salvage in wreckage or junkyards.
- Hotshot Escape Artist: Because I can push a ship beyond its limits, I gain +2 when using Dexterity to outrun pursuers in space or atmosphere.
- Custom Modifications: Because I constantly tweak my gear, once per session, I can declare a modification that gives me a one-time +2 bonus on a Technical or Mechanical roll.
Spies, Assassins, and Infiltrators
- Master of Disguise: Because I can blend into any crowd, I gain +2 when using Perception to impersonate someone or disguise myself.
- Silent Takedown: Because I am trained in stealth kills, I gain +2 when using Strength to knock someone out or kill silently with a melee weapon.
- Shadow Operative: Because I know how to move undetected, I gain +2 when using Dexterity to sneak past guards or avoid security systems.
- Poison Expert: Because I understand toxins, I gain +2 when using Technical to create, apply, or neutralize poisons.
- Information Broker: Because I know how to gather intel, I gain +2 when using Perception to get information through bribery, blackmail, or research.
- Assassin’s Precision: Because I am a trained killer, once per session, I may declare that a single attack instantly takes out a minor enemy.
- Escape Artist: Because I can slip out of almost any situation, I gain +2 when using Dexterity to escape bonds, traps, or tight spaces.
Droids and Specialists
- Adaptive Programming (Droid Only): Because I am constantly learning, once per session, I can swap out one of my Approaches with another for the remainder of the scene.
- Protocol Expertise (Droid Only): Because I am fluent in millions of languages, I gain +2 when using Perception to translate or understand alien cultures.
- Indestructible Frame (Droid Only): Because I am built to last, I reduce all physical damage taken by one shift.
- Tactician’s Mind: Because I am a master strategist, I gain +2 when using Perception to outthink an opponent in combat.
- Medical Specialist: Because I am trained in battlefield medicine, I gain +2 when using Technical to stabilize a wounded character or treat injuries.
- Merchant of the Outer Rim: Because I know how to make a profit, I gain +2 when using Perception to negotiate deals, barter, or assess market value.
Gear is generic items that allows you to use a temporary advantage. Things like blasters, rope, comlinks, medkits, computer, etc. They are disposable and often have limitations when poor results are rolled.
Stormtrooper Armor: +2DF to Defend Physical, +1DF to Defend Energy, -1DF to DEX related rolls
- Aspect: Sensors
- Aspect: Environmental
- Aspect: Comlink
- Aspect: Utility Belt
- Availability: Common (with 2 of three systems) +3, Rare with all systems +5
Mandalorian Battle Armor: +2DF to Defend Physical, +1DF to Defend Energy
- Aspect: Jet Pack
- Aspect: Wrist Laser
- Aspect: Sensor
- Aspect: Environmental
- Aspect: Comlink
- Availability: Ultra Rare (+7) with all systems
Step 1. Roll Initiative
Each participant rolls dF + their Perception skill adjustment.
Highest result goes first.
Step 2. Roll to Attack
Once the attacker has chosen a target player, that player (or GM NPC) can choose to take a responsive action. This can be dodging or parrying. The defender rolls dF and add Dexterity. Once a dodge has been rolled that is the target defense number for the rest of the combat round. If they player does not choose to actively defend, then use the players passive defense: Dexterity
Step 3. Damage
Damage is rolled via weapon type. Roll Dexterity if shooting or Strength if melee and add the weapon bonus. The defender with then roll their Strength plus any armor bonuses. The difference is the damage.
Weapon Damage Examples:
+1dF Holdout Blaster
+2 Heavy Blaster
+1dF Blade
+2 Vibro Blade
+2dF Lightsaber
Step 4. Soaking Damage and Consequences
Once the damage is determined, the defender soaks damage from the attack with either a Stress Box or with a Consequence.
Multiple Actions
Multiple actions result in penalties. For each action beyond the first the player takes a -1 penalty. If the player dodges, then attacks, the attack would be at a penalty -1.
In the event that a player wants to play the round with multiple attacks, these additional actions must be declared before any actions are taken in the round. The exception being dodging which can be declared after an attack.
Stress and Consequences Unchanged From base FAE
Sample Characters
Luke Skywalker
- High Concept: Idealistic Farm Boy with a Destiny
- Trouble: Impulsive and Inexperienced
- Other Aspects:
- Aspiring Jedi Knight
- Strong Connection to the Force
- Loyal to Friends
- Approaches:
- Dexterity: Fair (+2)
- Knowledge: Average (+1)
- Mechanical: Average (+1)
- Perception: Fair (+2)
- Strength: Good (+3)
- Technical: Mediocre (+0)
- Stunt: Because I am attuned to the Force, I get a +2 when using Perception to sense danger.
Han Solo
- High Concept: Roguish Smuggler Captain of the Millennium Falcon
- Trouble: Wanted by the Hutts
- Other Aspects:
- Quick on the Draw
- Charming Scoundrel
- Loyal to Chewbacca
- Approaches:
- Dexterity: Good (+3)
- Knowledge: Average (+1)
- Mechanical: Fair (+2)
- Perception: Fair (+2)
- Strength: Average (+1)
- Technical: Mediocre (+0)
- Stunt: Because I always shoot first, once per session I automatically go first in combat.
Princess Leia Organa
- High Concept: Rebel Leader and Diplomatic Princess
- Trouble: Targeted by the Empire
- Other Aspects:
- Skilled Negotiator
- Unyielding in the Face of Danger
- Strong Sense of Duty
- Approaches:
- Dexterity: Average (+1)
- Knowledge: Fair (+2)
- Mechanical: Mediocre (+0)
- Perception: Good (+3)
- Strength: Fair (+2)
- Technical: Average (+1)
- Stunt: Because I am a persuasive diplomat, I get a +2 when using Perception to command or persuade others.
Darth Vader
- High Concept: Sith Lord Enforcer of the Empire
- Trouble: Haunted by the Past
- Other Aspects:
- Master of the Dark Side
- Feared Across the Galaxy
- Relentless Pursuer
- Approaches:
- Dexterity: Fair (+2)
- Knowledge: Good (+3)
- Mechanical: Average (+1)
- Perception: Fair (+2)
- Strength: Good (+3)
- Technical: Mediocre (+0)
- Stunt: Because I am a master of telekinesis, I get a +2 when using Knowledge to manipulate objects with the Force.
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