social collapse

The Gathering Storm

The politicians smiled, toasting to record profits and the “best economy in history.” But for the people, there was no prosperity—only rising prices, stagnant wages, and an unbridgeable gap between them and the elite. The wealth was there, but they were locked out, watching from the streets as the rich feasted behind glass towers.

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The Build-Up

Alex had always been the truth-seeker, the one who couldn’t help but dig deeper, who couldn’t look away. He started with debates at the dinner table, calling out the lies, pointing to the headlines. Then he started arguing online, challenging family members who had fallen into the Circle’s rhetoric, pushing back against their justifications for hate. The world wasn’t collapsing all at once, just crumbling, piece by piece.

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The Flashbacks

In The Flashbacks, Cora scrolls through old TikToks and news clips, reliving the slow collapse of society under the Black Circle’s rule. From the first checkpoints to the rising cost of food, the dismantling of social programs, and the chilling enforcement of the Unity Index, each memory is a reminder of how it all unraveled.

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